San Francisco Urban Winery Wedding: Michael & Jimmy

San Francisco Urban Winery Wedding: Michael & Jimmy

You know one of those weddings where you know the guests are just all ready to have a GOOD ASS time and celebrate? That was Jimmy and Michael’s wedding. Jimmy and Michael with a true San Francisco celebration, complete with pre-ceremony cocktails at Hotel Griffon, a cable car ride through the city, paella for dinner, a little romantic rain in the forecast and the celebration in Soma’s Urban Winery, Tank 18.

Berkeley Wedding Photography: Claire & Colin

Berkeley Wedding Photography: Claire & Colin

You know those weddings that just remind you what real, simple, beautiful love is?  This was one that belongs in that category.  Goal in life: find someone who looks at you like Colin and Claire look at each other. All day, you could just feel that Colin and Claire were SO excited to be husband and wife and to start their lives together.